一、参与对象Participant浙江中医药大学国际学生International students from ZCMU二、奖项设置Awards评选“学霸笔记”5名,“最美笔记”若干。征集评选后,为获奖同学颁发证书及奖品,并在学院推广展示。We will select 5 “straight-A learning notes” and several "most beautiful notes". Certificates and prizes will be presented to the winning students, their notes will be displayed in IEC.三、评选内容及要求Selection Contents and Requirements本次评选笔记课程须为必修课笔记。The notes must be compulsory courses.(一)参赛作品须为学习笔记,具体内容可包括课堂笔记、实验报告、错题整理笔记、专业课读书笔记等与学习相关的笔记;The entries must be study notes. The specific contents can include class notes, experimental reports, wrong topic sorting notes, professional class reading notes and other learning related notes(二)参赛笔记须为日常学习生活中的真实笔记,不得作假、抄袭。一经发现作假、抄袭,取消其参赛资格;The entry notes must be true notes in daily study life, and should not be forged or copied. In case of cheating or plagiarism, the contestants will be disqualified.(三)参赛笔记类型如下:The types of entry notes are as follows1.手写笔记:Handwritten notes(1)笔记原件:需提交一份至少包含一个完整学科或项目章节的笔记内容,采用扫描为PDF格式(手机软件扫描即可),笔记内容在10页及以上;Original notes: a copy of notes containing at least one complete subject or project Chapter should be submitted, these should be scanned into PDF format (mobile software scanning can be used), and the notes should be 10 pages or more;(2)精选笔记:需挑选出最能代表笔记水平的5页笔记,对这5页笔记进行简单描述(不超过100字),精选笔记和描述整合成同一个PDF格式文件上传。Selected notes: select the 5 pages of notes that can best represent the level of notes, briefly describe the five pages of notes (no more than 100 words), and integrate the selected notes and descriptions into one PDF file for upload.2.电子笔记:Electron note,(1)笔记合集:需提交一份至少包含一个完整学科或项目章节的笔记内容或日常笔记形成的合集,转为PDF格式提交,笔记内容在10页及以上;Collection of notes: a collection of notes containing at least one complete subject or project chapter or daily notes should be submitted in PDF format, and the content of notes should be 10 pages or more;(2)精选笔记:需挑选出最能代表笔记水平的5页笔记,对这5页笔记进行简单描述(不超过100字),精选笔记和描述整合成同一个PDF格式文件上传。Selected notes: select the 5 pages of notes that can best represent the level of notes, briefly describe the five pages of notes (no more than 100 words), and integrate the selected notes and descriptions into one PDF file for upload.四、评选标准Selection Criteria(一)准确性:对知识点的解读无误,对重点有明确的标注;Accuracy: the interpretation of knowledge points is correct, and the key points are clearly marked;(二)原创性:运用创新学习思维,有独到见解,不得照搬照抄;Originality: use innovative learning thinking, have original opinions, and do not copy word for word(三)整洁性:字迹工整,颜色不宜过多,空间安排合理;Neatness: the handwriting is neat, the color should not be too many, and the space arrangement is reasonable;(四)逻辑性:主题明确,内容凝练概括,有整体逻辑框架,条理清晰,有适当符号标注;Logic: the theme is clear, the content is concise and summarized, with an overall logical framework, clear organization and appropriate symbols;(五)方法性:灵活运用科学笔记方法对知识进行整理,例如康奈尔笔记法、时间线索笔记法、思维导图等;图表结合,思维外化;或者体现独特且清晰的记录方法,形式新颖,有创新性;Methodology: flexibly use scientific note taking methods to sort out knowledge, such as Cornell note taking method, time clue note taking method, mind mapping, etc; Combination of charts and diagrams, externalization of thinking; Or reflect the unique and clear recording method, which is novel and innovative;(六)专业性:笔记应结合不同学科特点和笔记类别,突出学科特色和笔记类型特点;Professionalism: notes should be combined with the characteristics of different disciplines and note types, highlighting the characteristics of disciplines and note types(七)完整性:笔记完整涵盖至少一个专业知识点。Integrity: the notes should cover at least one complete knowledge point in your course.五、作品提交 Submission1.作品文件请以“课程名称+手写/电子+专业+中文姓名+学号”命名,文件大小须在50MB以内,统一用钉钉上传至李媛老师。Please name the work file with "course name + handwriting / Electronics + major + Chinese name + student number". The file size must be within 50MB, and it shall be submitted to teacher Cheire by Dingtalk.2.参评作品提交截止时间4月24日23:00。The deadline for submission of participating works is 23:00 on April 24.3.获奖笔记中的精选部分后期将进行线上线下公开展示,请确保笔记内容能公开,作品一经投递,视为同意。The selected works of the winning notes will be displayed online and offline in the later stage. Please ensure that the contents of the notes can be made public. Once the works are submitted, they are deemed to be made public.